1VoteEWorld War III
have so many threats in this world (like Iraq, Syria, and North Korea)
and many allies. In the past, people just invaded with guns, which is
puny compared to those city destroying nuclear bombs. It can all start
with the activation of a detonator. Our main enemy ( North Korea) has
nuclear weapons, so we are in danger too. I think we really need to make
peace pactsM+31
I don't think North Korea are
the main enemy, they actually don't anything compared to the rest of the
world, they just spread a lot of propaganda and make it look like it.M+12
Nuclear warfare would turn the world into
hell, radiation would mutate or kill people and anyone who was not
effected would have to rebuild civilisation.M+19
Zombie Apocalypse... Seriously... STUPID AND
TYPICAL American IMAGINATION! SENSELESS... But world war 3.. That is
something real... Something that CAN happen... Something that MAY
happen.. For all the nuclear weapons developed... It will decrease
population at least to 50 percent! And some people... SOME PEOPLE JUST
North Korea is the worst countryMnew
2VoteEZombie Apocalypse
Slow zombies. We will survive...fast zombies were screwedM+50
Even though most of us think we are gonna
survive, it's probably gonna be the opposite. Most zombie movies and
video games show the zombie apocalypse as a disease (like in World War Z
and The Last of Us). In a major city, there's no tell what's gonna
happen. It would be too late. Airports would spread the disease across
the world. City after city would fall. To everyone else surviving, it
wouldn't be easy. Supplies and food would be scarce, as everyone would
be looting. Riots would occur, killing even more people. - ethanmeinsterM+13
I'd personally want the zombie apocalypse to be like the one in Shaun of the Dead because the zombies are slow. - Jetticus12M+25
This is similar to what happened
to my land. Titans attacked and viciously murdered innocent civilians.
Not a lot of people are up to the task of taking care of them. People
like yourselves are lucky that Titans don't roam around your cities and
homes. - Levi-AckermanMnew
V63 Comments
3VoteEAsteroid Hits Earth
of using nuclear bombs to launch at the earth itself, they can be used
to destroy large asteroids that can wipe out the earth, also if earth
does get hit, then let's hope that ferns and palm trees survive to take
over the world then a new humanoid species can take over the world and
explore space, visit new planets, and create a huge machine that
prevents the end of the universe. Huh?M+5
I think the "world losing oxygen for 5
seconds" would technically better, however, considering we are WAY over
due for an asteroid strike (AT LEAST 20 MILLION YEARS AGO! ), I'd say
this would be the more dangerous event. - gimi8609M+5
A collision would cause a tsunami, a dust cloud, or the world to instantly perish. All depends on where it hits...M+4
This should be number one - Freddy_FazbearM+3
V20 Comments
4VoteEWorld Loses Oxygen For 5 Seconds
at the beach would immediately get sunburns, the daytime sky would get
dark, all pieces of untreated metal would instantly spot weld to each
other, the earth's crust would crumble, everyone's inner ear would
explode, every building made of concrete would turn to dust, every
living cell would explode in a haze of hydrogen gas, and the oceans
would evaporate and blend into space.
Pretty scary stuff! - Jetticus12M+78
Pretty scary stuff! - Jetticus12M+78
To all the clueless people that think
everyone would "explode" or "boil", your wrong. If the Earth lost all
oxygen for 5 seconds everyone would pretty much be fine, your ear drums
could implode possibly, but you would basically just lose consciousness
until the earth was reoxygenized and repressurized. We wouldn't freeze
either, although space is typically very cold, the release of body heat
is not very fast. And for the stubborn people that refuse to believe me,
you may read about it yourself on the NASA website.M+13
That's why God created the world perfectly. That will never happen, neither will the zombie apocalypseM+10
... No world is perfect... Especially Earth... Have you seen the damage humans have done to this place? - LostDream258M+4
Anyway we'll survive as it's just for 5 seconds. Of course if this doesn't mean losing gravity as well. - Fan_of_Good_MusicMnew
V26 Comments
5VoteEThe Sun Explodes
earth is gonna be inside the sun we should act fast if we were living
on that year, lets say 5 years before it happens, we would make a
starship and live in space, I wouldn't live in other planets. those
would die too. 12 billion years. The Universe its self will end. It will
be dark and really cold. But the good news: when earth dies GOD will
make a new heaven and earth. at 1.1 billion years. Earth's oceans will
boil away and dries up. 3.3 billion years Earth is too hot and dry for
humans and other living things and everything dies. This could lead Eco
disaster, well its gonna anyway. later on Earth is really fiery and hot.
and oceans were gone. later like 1000 billion years, the universe will
This will be the final end of Earth after a
couple billion years. But the sun won't exactly explode. After the sun
uses most of its hydrogen up, it will become a red giant. This will make
Earth uninhabitable for any living thing, even heat loving microbes.
Hopefully, the human race (if its still living) will develop technology
to get to an Earth like planet, or Europa and Titan, potentially
habitable moons that would be warm enough after the sun expands. - ethanmeinsterM+3
Man, if the sun blew up, nothing would be around anymore. - istooduptoabullyM+14
The Sun won't explode; it's
mass isn't great enough to do that. It will become a red giant, progress
into a planetary nebula, and end as a white dwarf. - Juan-LuisM
Soon the earth will get eaten by the sun and
then the sun will explode. Then we will all be dead but this will
happen in like 6.7 billion yearsM
V37 Comments
6VoteENuclear War
because if it was happening in every part of the world, there'd be no
hope of survival. If the sun blows up or there's a black hole, we all
die in a millisecond, painlessly, and that's the end of that. With a
different type of war or zombies, lots of people would die, but there
would still be hope for survival. With a nuclear war, it would be
impossible to survive. You could not avoid a nuclear blast. Even if you
did, you would end up dying a slow painful death from radiation
poisoning, which you would get very quickly. You would be on your
deathbed for years, not even able to fight from being so sick. If there
was an all-out nuclear war where every country was involved, we'd all be
in for a horrible fate.M+5
If the bombs don't kill you... The Radiation will.
You can't see Radiation, you can't hear it, you can't smell it, and you can't even feel it.
Animals may mutate, all water will become irradiated, the world will be inhospitable.M+14
You can't see Radiation, you can't hear it, you can't smell it, and you can't even feel it.
Animals may mutate, all water will become irradiated, the world will be inhospitable.M+14
Nuclear war is far scarier than a JB apocalypse. - durecklM+19
Its not far to happenMnew
Oh dear God... I don't want to
live on this planet anymore... I hope the political leaders have since
enough to realize that this is a horrible, tragic, and murderous idea...
- LostDream258M
V19 Comments
7VoteEBlack Hole
might or might not happen, after all we don't know much about black
holes and the few things we know are just theories, so it's a bit
unlikely to die because of it.M+2
If the solar system got inside one the sky wouldn't even existM+3
If the solar system got in one, it will be dark, and their will be no skyM+1
A good way to dieMnew
V10 Comments
8VoteEAliens Take Over
What could happen maybe extinction or slavery?M+9
Their will be a type of mutation or disease
spreading, or they will eat us, or capture us with electric laser cages,
and they will have a bunch of torturing prototype guns, and they have
spaceships with hundreds of buttonsM
They would treat us like we
humans treat everything on this planet... Top of the food chain they
would be... You know what will happen then?M+3
Humans will finally be getting a taste of their own medicine, won't they? - LostDream258M+3
How come aliens always have to be a bad thing? What if there are already aliens on earth?Mnew
V26 Comments
9VoteESuper Volcano
isn't a normal type of volcano. In the USA, there is a super volcano,
that you probably heard of: Yellowstone, although there are other super
volcanoes across the world, in places like Japan. Instead of lava
reaching only a few miles, lava flows from a super volcano would reach
hundreds of miles away. The pyroclastic clouds would engulf cities as
far as Seattle and St. Louis. Even if areas within hundreds of miles
would be destroyed, it doesn't stop there. There would be global
darkness for years. Weather systems would be interrupted, including the
monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean, causing massive famines. The
temperature would fall, and we would lose all of the Sun's light. Every
crop would just die, and we would starve to death. There would be ash in
the air, choking all animals. The ash would ground planes, take down
the electricity, and cause buildings thousands of miles away to
collapse. And Yellowstone is becoming unstable, with roads in the park
melting... - ethanmeinsterM+6
The lava won't flow that far, though ash would reach as far as Louisiana. - LostDream258M
I don't think you all understand the power
of a super volcano. Millions would die instantly from the blast and
billions more after the Earth is plunged into unbearable darkness and
I don't think any of you understand how
dangerous a super volcano can be. The top half of the world would be
plunged into darkness because of the massive ash clouds. Tempratures
would drop, food wouldn't grow, acid rain would fall. People would die.
Yellowstone park is a super volcano. And it is overdue for an eruption.
Scientists think that the magma chamber won't be full enough for an
eruption for another 2000 years. Lets hope so. - IronSabbathPriestM+1
Millions if not billions would
die from the eruption alone. Then hundreds of tons of ash would be
tossed into the sky blocking the sun leading to years of darkness,
famine, and breathing would be much more difficult. Not exactly a happy
scenario. - OriginalVisionaryMnew
V14 Comments
10VoteERobot Take Over
Yes. Ever heard of the movie iRobot? That could be the possible future for humans.M+16
Only in a million years, because now we
don't have many robots that act by themselves, and even those that do
exist are not powerful enough to wipe out the human race.M+1
Like on the Matrix.. that would just be so scaryM+4
That's true humans are so dumb that they could easily accidentally let robots take over.Mnew
V12 Comments
The Newcomers
?VoteEJustin Bieber stays alive
?VoteETaylor Swift Becomes President
BAdd New Item
The Contenders
11VoteENo Oxygen for 24 Hours
It would be worse if it were nitrogen...M+5
I love how no Oxygen for 24 hours is lower
than No Oxygen for 5 seconds. I mean, no Oxygen for several hours would
kill thousands more than 5 seconds. Just Saying.M
Get a oxygen mask! Or hold your breath for a really long time.M+3
Most people would perish since the average person does not have an oxygen mask and tank. - LostDream258Mnew
V15 Comments
12VoteEThe Illuminati Takes Over
We must stop this from happening.M+17
Don't they by definition already rule the
world? I thought they are a secret organisation that rules the world and
everything important that happens is plotted by illuminati.M+4
They suck big time...M+7
Yes it might be in vines, but it's dangerousMnew
V14 Comments
13VoteEEverybody Commits Suicide
have had suicidal thoughts in the past. Even today, I still think a lot
about death and suicide. I write suicide stories and poems. I wonder if
there is really a point to life. If there is, tell me. Is life
worthless? Is there anything good that ever comes out of it? It's only a
matter of time before I begin to think about it myself. I already have.
My fear of death (Thanatophobia) is the only thing that could baracade
my plans... - RockFashionistaM+4
Actually, this might be the best thing, from the worlds perspective.M+12
Okay, this one is retarded. It would be
nearly impossible to coordinate everyone to commit suicide before any
more children are born. Illuminati Domination is more likely than this.
Unless, of course, this is the Illuminati's plan for world domination.M+3
Life is great don't commit SUICIDE! Your a good person so live your good lifeMnew
V10 Comments
14VoteEGamma Ray Burst
If this happened we would all die immediately as it hit. Nothing could or can survive theseM+1
It's a big burst of energy that could cause earth to lose electricity and it can make the sun overheat earthM
We won't die, but we will all be big green people (Hulk)M+1
All of us will become hulk, it will be easier for people to make debut in Films! Lol - AnanyaMnew
V9 Comments
15VoteEWater Shortage
first off this is true but there are a million Sources Ice, Rocks,
Water, Peppers, stuff like that so if would be really not easy for the
earth to run out of water unless the earth became a baby sun or some
This is happening here in California. It sucks because I live there. - Pegasister12M+1
Very unlikely and it might happen only if aliens take over Earth.M
16VoteESolar Flare
This will not kill us, the atmosphere was created to defend earth from theseM
We'd all be unprotected from the Sun's radiation, and there would be large EMPs causing every electronic device to be fried - ethanmeinsterM+1
world MIGHT have been created by a supernova, but it's only a theory
like many others, but we do know that a supernova would destroy our
galaxy and create a black hole, but it would happen only after the Sun
has lost all of its energy.M+2
By the time there is a supernova the Earth would already have been engulfed by the Sun millions of years before.M
Wasn't the world created by a supernova? - MusicalPonyM
18VoteERed Star Comes Towards Our Galaxy Burning Every Planet
The Sun would be included in getting burned but before we melted to death without the sun we would burn up pretty quickly.M
A red star is not a hot star - 2stormM+1
What about supernova or is that the same thingM
19VoteEBlackout While an Asteroid Is About to Hit Earth
20VoteEThe World Starts to Break In Half Until It's Gone
This would make the best movie ever.M+8
I didn't know meteors were electricM
No worries; it's tiny! - SuperBaccaM
Anti gravity is responsible if this happensM
We will all die
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