Most western societies have little spiritual awareness. For many, life
consists only of accumulating money and possessions - which then becomes
the yardstick of “success.”
No wonder, when people are bombarded around the clock on TV and radio with commercial messages.
McDonalds advertises to good effect, selling millions of hamburgers
daily because their name is constantly on TV screens. If advertising can
impact people so much, why shouldn’t we use it on a personal level to
create awareness of Jesus and the gospel?
God could easily convert everyone without our help, but scripturally we are given the task of spreading the gospel.
So here are four ways to be a messenger -
1. Wear a Christian T-shirt with a message— a brief one is quickly read.
Make it meaningful, such as “Jesus Saves.” This takes a little courage,
but everywhere you go people are reading it. Even better if you have it
printed or embroidered both back and front. Personally, I wear one and
stroll around the town mall where all the people are. I wear it at the
supermarket too.
2. Pin a small badge on your lapel. Again a brief message like “God is
Good.” My wife says shop assistants lean forward to read it, and voila -
she’s talking about the Lord.
3. Car stickers. They are great attention-getters in traffic jams or at
traffic lights. Joe Doe is sitting there in his vehicle waiting for
green, bored as a private eye. What else has he to do but look at your
Jesus sticker? It can make people want to know more, which can lead to
their salvation. By the way, don’t have a fish symbol sticker. It means
nothing to anyone except other Christians.
4. Be a tract dropper. In telephone booths, mailboxes, anywhere you see
an opportunity. Pray to God to lead the right person to it. God knows
the exact need and situation of everyone. Even if your tract ends up at
the garbage dump, someone there can pick it up. Take time to pray before
you start.
Four ideas for putting spiritual thoughts into money-hungry minds. The
last three anyone can do. Not very difficult and there’s very little
risk. Clicking onto a web search engine will show you where to obtain
T-shirts and badges. Or buy a plain shirt and have it embroidered. Car
stickers and tracts are usually at your local Christian bookshop, or via
the internet.
An important point. Always have a tract in your pocket or handbag if the conversation gets around to God or eternity.
God does the saving but we are to be the messengers. We have the great
truth of sins forgiven, the promise of eternal life, an unseen Helper in
our daily lives. Why hide it? In some countries one has to be very
subtle and treat it like a Secret Service gospel. Not so in a
democratic, free country. Go for it!